If you need more advanced care, our dentist may use an intraoral camera in Stone Ridge, Virginia. This tool allows Dr. Subha C. Yerabollu to view high-resolution images of your mouth in real time so we can provide precise care. Call Prime Family Dentistry at 703-214-9126 to learn more and schedule an appointment with our team.
Not every part of your smile is easy to see, but in order to give you a comprehensive examination, our dentist can use our intraoral camera to access even the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. Our intraoral camera is a small device that is approximately the shape and size of a pen. Because of this, our dentist can examine parts of your mouth that can be difficult to see with the unaided eye. This allows us to give you a thorough exam and look for damage, cavities and signs of gum disease. It also gives our team access to areas that might otherwise be missed without the camera. We may also use this technology during a follow-up visit to check the results of your treatment or to examine any new dental work that we place.
Another advantage to our intraoral camera is that the images it captures are sent directly to a screen in the exam room so you and our dentist can see everything in real time. This firsthand look at your smile will help you understand your oral health and your dental needs.
If you would like to see how our intraoral scanner can make a difference in your visit and your smile, call our office for your appointment.